Post by JonathanPost by SkittlesDoes anybody really believe that?
I believe even a senile, demented communist
hiding in the basement that can't tie his
own shoes could beat Trump like a rug.
The secret to doing that is keeping that demented Joe Biden in his
basement and lying about everything...
That way the people can't make a choice based in reality... but that's
how Democrats work and ironically they still couldn't do it without also
stealing votes and committing election fraud.
Because had Biden been exposed to the PUBLIC his *negatives would have*
*been so high* that no one would believe the 81 million votes he needed
to beat TRUMP...
But then most people don't because Biden is so corrupt and incompetent
that the people polled tell us that less than 45% want him there and 55%
admit they don't want him there... showing that Biden never really had
enough support to begin with to get 81 million votes.
Post by JonathanAnd since Biden isn't any of those things
Trump lost in the biggest landslide of any
incumbent president in US history
making even Jimmy Carter look like
a 'winner'.
Making Democrats look like criminals that engaged in voter fraud.
Post by JonathanAnd since Trump's legacy in history will ALSO be
the very first and only president to try to
overthrow our democracy by force of mob, Trump
certainly is the BIGGEST LOSER of all time.
NO force and Democrats ignore all violence except gun violence and the
only guns were in the hands of the government and the only GUN VIOLENCE
was a GOVERNMENT employee who shot and unarmed woman... the only force
was the government's force and by that I mean the Congress' force and
the Democrats are running congress as they're the majority in the House.
That's Karma
*The first rule of SURVIVAL CLUB is we talk about it*
We hate censorship. Never trust what Democrats or Marxists tell you.
Make them prove it with actual verifiable facts and science. And if you
didn't find the duplicitous lies in what the Marxist-Democrats told you
then you didn't dig deep enough. The *Gruber Doctrine* is the
Marxist-Democrat plan that says it's "to the Democrats advantage to have
a lack of transparency and then lie about everything".
*The next rule of SURVIVAL CLUB is*
14 - Democrats seem to think the only gun owners with any rights are the
criminals who shoot unarmed citizens..... -BMUS-