Timothy Sutter
2011-12-15 21:32:38 UTC
maybe we should have a government run bank
where the 'customer' was not treated as "the sucker"
the gubbment is already all in your hair anyway
the gubbment is running most of the rackets now anyway
so, they should just go ahead and move in on the banking racket.
=at least= there'd be some sort of ...accountability
'interest' te he he
more like "usury" on one end and
...and i can't even think of an appropriate word
for less than 1% interest on a timed CD.
if you only knew one quarter of what a 'sucker' they treat you as
you'd buy your own bank vault and open up your own bank...
just to avoid being treated like an imbecile.
i'd practically -welcome- having a gubbment bank
teh FDIC already makes it plausible.
banks,,,what a racket
i'm beginning to hope they choke on a gigantic paper jam
i won't care one little bit
sorry? for what? i haven't said one thing that isn't an
i think i'm suddenly gunna put an "Obama" bumper sticker on my car,
and i -hate- bumper stickers
ah, go ahead and "Stay the Course"
we need -more- gubbment involvement,
and fearless leder, as i have called him,
actually is pulling out of iraq and maybe even afghannystan,,,
hooo f%$#ing ray... will wonders never cease...
i've just fallen off a log and i'm seein' stars...
we =want= and =need= a gubbment bank
and while we're at it, lets put that "public option"
back on the healthcare table...
i'm about to vomit my guts out...
and that's for the postal service,
if you're gunna bail something that is actually -useful- out
by all means, bail out the post office, you numbnutszes
i mean, bailing out the banks was like pouring
tax dollars into a bottle of chanpagne...
you'll never see that again...
you coulda shoulda started up a gubbment bank
i mean, i got my drivers liscense renewed over the internet
in =TWO= days and didn't even have to go downtown to do it,
i paid over the computer and they sent me my new liscense in =TWO= days.
and here i was looking forward to going downtown
to stand in line for an hour.
i'm actually starting to love the gubbment...
they may at least-try- to protect my liberties...
seems these other characters are using "double speak"
and liberty means slavery...
M. JL Esq. wrote:
/ "Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally."
/ And its not like it hasn't been tried before.
/ And will hopefully be tried and succeeded at sometime in the future as
/ is only logical.
/ Once we have a truly global, one world market - government....and the
/ common prostitution of existence is made ordinary...
people are being taxed to the max -anyway-
only thing is, gubbment taxes get you
some sort of vote on something somewhere,
even if it illusory and nobody votes
and the =virtual taxation= of price increases
on goods and services gets you no kind of vote
on anything at the board meeting.
i.e. when gas prices go up and stay up
it's just =like= a great big tax increase,
only you get bno -vote- for you trouble...
is this at all comprehensible?
i've already gone blue in the face over
government taxation vs, corporate taxation
and seen the hypocrisy of those who =say=
raising taxes hurts the economy all the while
raising a -virtual- _corporate_ tax for which
there is no accompanying -vote- except for
stockholders and boardmembers, of which,
lots and lots of actual -people- are not.
-that's- the "taxation wiithout representation"
that some people have almost noticed
it comes on you when -apples- now cost you $2 per pound
whereas, they cost only 59 cents a pound not 8 years ago,.
it is just -like- a 'tax' in its behavior
only it's a "good tax" depending on -who- levies it
the state vs. some "private concern"
where 'people' don't get to -vote- on how
the "private concern" -spends- the monies...
but a tax is a tax...
=that's= the "key" here...
and believe me, the reason i -called-
Obama "The Stepford President"
was because it was sure starting to -look- like
he was going to get spun by the military
and we =would= end up in a perpetual combat
situation in iraq and affgjhannystan,
but, i'm small enough to say "hoo f^%$ing ray" ...
now, all you gotta think about is
opening up pennsylvania avenue in front
of the white house to automobile traffic again...
even Eisenhower during the height of teh cold war told
the secret service simply and flatly =NO= when they
first tried to close down the avenue.
but, i don't expect this to be re-opened
even though Bush =promised= he would do it
that's right, you could keep somebody -else's- promise -for- them
what a country...
and i was about the -only- person who was still saying
-anything- nice about Bush when -all- the other rats
had left the sinking ship of state
and i still respect the man
i really don't think he -asked- to have somebody
drop to gigantic buildings in his lap.
be that as it may, i'm supporting our sitting president...
and the sequel, "Return From Stepford"
one small caveat... i've been known to root for losers
so, take it with a grain of salt
oh, by the way, i voted for Nader in the last election...
and we may be -world's- apart politically in many respects
and it -wasn't- just a "vote for donald duck" as
a throwaway vote in my twisted little world
but, maybe you get some picture into my =presumed= "dementia"
sad to say, i probably wouldn't be "normal"
if i wasn't a =little= 'demented'
i still think it will be a problem to try to force
the Amish to buy a commercial insurance policy when
the Amish are already exempted from social security
because they view it as a commercial insurance policy
and they object wholeheartedly to commercial insurance...
=but= i have -hope- that "The Stepford President"
can be a moniker that will not apply to Obama....anymore
and in that vein...he has my support
now all we need is a gubbment bank...
what a RACKET
i mean, believe it or not, crooks need -some- restraint
and as it is now, there is no restraint
and,-at least- a gubbment bank could institutionalize
-some- modicum of "redress of grievances" and just
a -little- restraint...
"thank you for sharing....tim"
yeah, right, more than you can say for the banks
they charge usurious fees and share none
of the profits with account holders
jesse james isn't -outside- the bank looking in...
it's tuther way 'round...
"still "understatement" tim?"
-i- think so...
then again, i'd =LOVE= to be proved wrong...
"wait wait, hold it a minute, =you= voted for Nader?"
yes i did, i'm "disenfranchised" didn't you know that?
"oh no, tim, we -invented- the concept"
maybe so, but you don't have to live it...
-you can go off and join the human race....
looks like i can't...
or maybe i just don't want to...
but, i'm going to go ahead and say to
"The Stepford President"
oh fearleass leader...
i'm proud of you.
=you= are the civilian authority to the military
-not- tuther way 'round
thank you.
that's twice i can't spell "fearless leader"
where the 'customer' was not treated as "the sucker"
the gubbment is already all in your hair anyway
the gubbment is running most of the rackets now anyway
so, they should just go ahead and move in on the banking racket.
=at least= there'd be some sort of ...accountability
'interest' te he he
more like "usury" on one end and
...and i can't even think of an appropriate word
for less than 1% interest on a timed CD.
if you only knew one quarter of what a 'sucker' they treat you as
you'd buy your own bank vault and open up your own bank...
just to avoid being treated like an imbecile.
i'd practically -welcome- having a gubbment bank
teh FDIC already makes it plausible.
banks,,,what a racket
i'm beginning to hope they choke on a gigantic paper jam
i won't care one little bit
sorry? for what? i haven't said one thing that isn't an
i think i'm suddenly gunna put an "Obama" bumper sticker on my car,
and i -hate- bumper stickers
ah, go ahead and "Stay the Course"
we need -more- gubbment involvement,
and fearless leder, as i have called him,
actually is pulling out of iraq and maybe even afghannystan,,,
hooo f%$#ing ray... will wonders never cease...
i've just fallen off a log and i'm seein' stars...
we =want= and =need= a gubbment bank
and while we're at it, lets put that "public option"
back on the healthcare table...
i'm about to vomit my guts out...
i think i'm suddenly gunna put an "Obama" bumper sticker on my car,
we do need one more "bailout"and that's for the postal service,
if you're gunna bail something that is actually -useful- out
by all means, bail out the post office, you numbnutszes
i mean, bailing out the banks was like pouring
tax dollars into a bottle of chanpagne...
you'll never see that again...
you coulda shoulda started up a gubbment bank
i mean, i got my drivers liscense renewed over the internet
in =TWO= days and didn't even have to go downtown to do it,
i paid over the computer and they sent me my new liscense in =TWO= days.
and here i was looking forward to going downtown
to stand in line for an hour.
i'm actually starting to love the gubbment...
they may at least-try- to protect my liberties...
seems these other characters are using "double speak"
and liberty means slavery...
M. JL Esq. wrote:
/ "Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally."
/ And its not like it hasn't been tried before.
/ And will hopefully be tried and succeeded at sometime in the future as
/ is only logical.
/ Once we have a truly global, one world market - government....and the
/ common prostitution of existence is made ordinary...
people are being taxed to the max -anyway-
only thing is, gubbment taxes get you
some sort of vote on something somewhere,
even if it illusory and nobody votes
and the =virtual taxation= of price increases
on goods and services gets you no kind of vote
on anything at the board meeting.
i.e. when gas prices go up and stay up
it's just =like= a great big tax increase,
only you get bno -vote- for you trouble...
is this at all comprehensible?
i've already gone blue in the face over
government taxation vs, corporate taxation
and seen the hypocrisy of those who =say=
raising taxes hurts the economy all the while
raising a -virtual- _corporate_ tax for which
there is no accompanying -vote- except for
stockholders and boardmembers, of which,
lots and lots of actual -people- are not.
-that's- the "taxation wiithout representation"
that some people have almost noticed
it comes on you when -apples- now cost you $2 per pound
whereas, they cost only 59 cents a pound not 8 years ago,.
it is just -like- a 'tax' in its behavior
only it's a "good tax" depending on -who- levies it
the state vs. some "private concern"
where 'people' don't get to -vote- on how
the "private concern" -spends- the monies...
but a tax is a tax...
=that's= the "key" here...
and believe me, the reason i -called-
Obama "The Stepford President"
was because it was sure starting to -look- like
he was going to get spun by the military
and we =would= end up in a perpetual combat
situation in iraq and affgjhannystan,
but, i'm small enough to say "hoo f^%$ing ray" ...
now, all you gotta think about is
opening up pennsylvania avenue in front
of the white house to automobile traffic again...
even Eisenhower during the height of teh cold war told
the secret service simply and flatly =NO= when they
first tried to close down the avenue.
but, i don't expect this to be re-opened
even though Bush =promised= he would do it
that's right, you could keep somebody -else's- promise -for- them
what a country...
and i was about the -only- person who was still saying
-anything- nice about Bush when -all- the other rats
had left the sinking ship of state
and i still respect the man
i really don't think he -asked- to have somebody
drop to gigantic buildings in his lap.
be that as it may, i'm supporting our sitting president...
and the sequel, "Return From Stepford"
one small caveat... i've been known to root for losers
so, take it with a grain of salt
oh, by the way, i voted for Nader in the last election...
and we may be -world's- apart politically in many respects
and it -wasn't- just a "vote for donald duck" as
a throwaway vote in my twisted little world
but, maybe you get some picture into my =presumed= "dementia"
sad to say, i probably wouldn't be "normal"
if i wasn't a =little= 'demented'
i still think it will be a problem to try to force
the Amish to buy a commercial insurance policy when
the Amish are already exempted from social security
because they view it as a commercial insurance policy
and they object wholeheartedly to commercial insurance...
=but= i have -hope- that "The Stepford President"
can be a moniker that will not apply to Obama....anymore
and in that vein...he has my support
now all we need is a gubbment bank...
what a RACKET
i mean, believe it or not, crooks need -some- restraint
and as it is now, there is no restraint
and,-at least- a gubbment bank could institutionalize
-some- modicum of "redress of grievances" and just
a -little- restraint...
"thank you for sharing....tim"
yeah, right, more than you can say for the banks
they charge usurious fees and share none
of the profits with account holders
jesse james isn't -outside- the bank looking in...
it's tuther way 'round...
"still "understatement" tim?"
-i- think so...
then again, i'd =LOVE= to be proved wrong...
"wait wait, hold it a minute, =you= voted for Nader?"
yes i did, i'm "disenfranchised" didn't you know that?
"oh no, tim, we -invented- the concept"
maybe so, but you don't have to live it...
-you can go off and join the human race....
looks like i can't...
or maybe i just don't want to...
but, i'm going to go ahead and say to
"The Stepford President"
oh fearleass leader...
i'm proud of you.
=you= are the civilian authority to the military
-not- tuther way 'round
thank you.
that's twice i can't spell "fearless leader"